Crispy cotton linen yarn for weaving home textiles

cotton linen yarn


Cotton, the durable and versatile fibre known for its softness and comfort. Linen, another very durable fibre, known for its crispness and lightness. Bring them together at the right proportions and you create a magical yarn. The interesting thing about this blend is that you can make either comfortable apparels or crispy home linens based on the fibre qualities and spinning techniques.
We are proud to launch yet another winner from our stable. The Cotton linen yarn Ne 8/2. Internationally, it is also called Cottolin NeL 22/2. The numbering can be confusing, but it need not be if we know the difference. While the count ‘Ne’ is used for Cotton, the nomenclature ‘NeL’ is used for linen. So, you can choose to use either the Cotton count system or the Linen count system for this yarn, as it is a blend of both fibres.
The new Cotton linen yarn 8/2 is crispy and is spun to give a firm texture. So, it is great for weaving home linens like cushions, placemats, table runners, table napkins and the like. One of our interns did weave up some lovely-looking lampshades with these yarns. 

The cotton linen yarn works very well in warp and weft in all kinds of looms- Rigid heddle and multi-shaft looms.
It is also fantastic for weaving lacy curtains as the yarn shows up lace weave structures and lenos very happily. What you see below is the picture of an 8-shaft weave with lace, being woven on a Jack loom using cotton linen yarnNe 8/2  in gravel grey & black panther in warp and white cement in the weft.


cotton linen cushion  weaving

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